Emissions from port activity
The Port of Barcelona monitors the levels of nitrogen oxide and suspended particles and seeks to reduce them through Air Quality Improvement Plan and the actions contemplated in it climate strategy.
Calculating emissions
The Barcelona Port Authority reviews the estimates of air pollution every few years and updates them using a calculation methodology that has been agreed with the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya. It also references the document Port Emissions Toolkit, of the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH).
Origin on ships
Since ships are responsible for more than 90% of the port's emissions, the Port of Barcelona entrusts CENIT and the Faculty of Nautical Studies to carry out various studies to improve the information used for the estimates. The collection of data from cruise ships, ferries and container ships was reflected in the Methodological Guide to quantify emissions from ships in ports, which can be consulted at the attached link.

Origin of emissions
Only 10% of the port's polluting emissions come from sources other than ships: they come from terminal machinery and road traffic. As for ships, not all have the same contribution to emissions: general cargo ships are responsible for 35%; container ships, 30%; and cruises and ferries, 14%, respectively. The remaining 7% is attributable to other types of vessels.
When they are produced
More than a third of these emissions are produced during the ship's stay in dock (71%) and to a lesser extent during manoeuvres (20%) and at anchor (9%).