Anti-fraud Measures Plan
The Anti-Fraud Measures Plan of the Barcelona Port Authority has been drawn up as a living instrument and has mechanisms and personnel to identify risks and assess its impact.
Plan Features
The Anti-Fraud Measures Plan of the Barcelona Port Authority has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September, which configures the management system of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The Board of Directors approved it by an agreement dated 29 June 2022 and it has been subsequently modified by an agreement dated 20 July 2022.
- The Plan must be a living and flexible instrument , designed to be modified to adapt to the instructions or guidelines that the corresponding authorities may issue, and which will be permanently updated based on the experience of its application, continuously improving and perfecting actions to combat fraud and corruption.
- To this end, theBarcelona Port Authority will maintain mechanisms to identify risks that occur and will evaluate them according to parameters of impact and probability of risk materialisation. This evaluation will be carried out with the participation of personnel with responsibilities in the processes analysed, and will be reviewed annually, and, in any case, when a case of fraud has been detected or there are significant changes in procedures or personnel.