BCN Port Innovation Foundation
The Port of Barcelona promotes this private foundation that aims to accelerate digitisation, environmental and energy transition projects that allow for the promotion of transformation, not only of the Port itself, but also of the entire city of Barcelona.
A benchmark hub, committed to society and the environment
The Port is the infrastructure that connects Barcelona with the world. And now it is undergoing a transformation to be more efficient and sustainable.
The BCN Port Innovation Foundation, promoted by the Port of Barcelona, seeks to validate innovative solutions to transform the maritime-port sector. A benchmark hub, which through knowledge, technology, and commitment to society and the environment, complies with the principles of the blue economy.
BCN Port Innovation is the space where it generates opportunities and challenges to grow, exploring technology and disruptive models to continue promoting the energy and digital transformation of our environment.
Initially, the foundation have the participation of companies Ackcent y Aggity as founding partners and currently there are more than 20 private companies that have confirmed their support for the initiative. Despite this, it is open to the entry of new partners to generate a heterogeneous ecosystem with which to create the Port of the future from a holistic and transversal perspective.