Claire Pérez
Clients in the south-east of France of the Port of Barcelona can benefit from personalised monitoring and support of all their operations, as well as Client Service, customs and logistics advice or access to the monitoring and traceability of the Portic system.
The Port of Barcelona online
To expedite the passage of goods between Barcelona and France, the Port of Barcelona has 2 delegations that provide French operators with all the services that allow them to be agile and improve costs in all their operations.
From this branch, clients receive notices that affect port operations, they can consult the contacts of operators with EN certification in the port community, obtain information on taxes and tariffs, or request guided tours of the Port of Barcelona.
The delegation of south-eastern France (Auvergne-Rhône Alpes and South) has been available to importers, exporters, freight forwarders and carriers since 2009, to provide free advice and information on Port of Barcelona services such as shipping lines, rail connections or the different terminals.