Environmental management system
The port's Environmental Management System (EMS) makes it possible to plan, evaluate, improve and publicise its environmental performance. It is certified by the ISO 14.001 Standard: 2015 and recognised by international standards of voluntary application, such as the EMAS Regulation and the PERS sectoral standard.
Mainstreaming and interaction
Environmental management is led by the Department of the Environment of the Barcelona Port Authority (APB). However, the system is transversal and interacts with the functions of various departments of the organisation and involves various activities and facilities.
Scope of the EMS
< p>The environmental management system (EMS) covers all the facilities and activities carried out by the APB in the fulfilment of its functions:- Management of the port's public domain.
- The construction of infrastructures and their maintenance.
- The management and supervision of port and commercial services related to the transport of goods.
Excluded are the port-city area, Port Vell; the sports area and other facilities not directly related to port activity itself; and the coastal lighthouses of Barcelona and Girona, dependent on the APB.
Certifications, recognitions and awards
The port SGA is certified by the ISO 14.001 standard: 2015 and recognised by the EMAS Regulation, as well as by the Port Environmental Review System (PERS) sector standard, promoted by the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO).

Environmental planning
Within the framework of the EMS, an Environmental Programme is drawn up each year, which sets out the specific goals and goals to be achieved in this area. This programme is based on the strategic lines of the Port of Barcelona Strategic Plan in force and is also reflected in the Sectoral Sustainability Plan for the port.
Control and improvement
In addition, there are specific plans aimed at pollution control and environmental improvement, such as:
- Water Quality Monitoring Programme.
- Air Quality Improvement Plan.
- Internal Maritime Spill Containment Plan.
- Emergency and Self-protection Plans .
- Ship Waste Reception Plan.
- Environmental Communication Plan.