Exceptional measures for drought
We are experiencing a serious episode of drought and it is necessary to face the situation by applying both collective and individual water saving measures.
For this reason, we ask to make a responsible and solidary use of water and, specifically, to adopt the informative or operative measures that allow them to do so:
- Reduce or eliminate water consumption for non-basic uses, such as drinking water or personal hygiene.
- Avoid the use of water for cleaning pavements, facades or surfaces of vehicles, except when it is to avoid health risks or for personal safety.
- Not to use water for the filling of ornamental fountains or other elements where water is used for aesthetic purposes.
In addition, we believe it is advisable that ships study and plan to obtain water supplies in other ports where there is no restriction on the use of water, until this situation is over.
These measures are complementary to those of the obligatory complementary measures of the Special Action Plan in situations of alert and possible drought (PES) and of those supplementary measures that may be dictated by the competent authority (ACA).