Mission, vision and values
The Barcelona Port Authority is governed by a defined mission, a shared vision and firm values. All this is included in the 4th Strategic Plan of the Port of Barcelona (2021-2025).

Mission, the reason for being
Our mission is to generate prosperity in the community, increasing the competitiveness of our clients through the efficient and sustainable provision of logistics and transportation services.

Vision, the image of the future
To develop our mission, we have set ourselves the goal of being the SMARTest logistics hub in the Mediterranean: "The SMARTest logistic hub in the MED". The SMART initials are equivalent to the five attributes that we want to consolidate to achieve our vision, that is, what we plan to be in the near future as a port: (S)ustainable, (M)ultimodal, (A)gile, (R)esilient and (T)ransparent.

Values we believe in
The Barcelona Port Authority is an organisation that respects the following values: . Valuation and commitment of people. . Ethical and professional management. . Customer orientation. . Social responsibility. . Innovation.
Strategic plan
Learn about and download the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, which sets economic, social and environmental sustainability as the main development objective of the Port of Barcelona. And also access the historical evolution of the strategic plans of the Barcelona Port Authority.