Organisation chart
The areas and departments of the Barcelona Port Authority (APB) manage the infrastructure in general and plan and lead the common strategy for the entire Port of Barcelona and its Port Community
More than 500 people collaborate in the organisation, committed to responsibly managing the main infrastructure of Catalonia.

José Alberto Carbonell

Àlex Garcia
General Manager
Ignacio Toda
Secretary of the Board of Directors
David Pino
Port Vell Urban Management
Santiago García-Milà
General Subdirectorate for Innovation and Business Strategy
Ramon Griell
General Subdirectorate for Infrastructures and Conservation
Carla Salvadó
General Subdirectorate of Sales and Marketing
Quim Compte
General Subdirectorate of Port Exploitation and Planning
Miriam Alaminos
General Subdirectorate for Economic and Financial Affairs
Félix Navarro
General Subdirectorate of Legal Services and Contracts
Catalina Grimalt
General Subdirectorate of Organisation and Internal Resources
Núria Burguera
Communications Department
Emma Cobos
Innovation and Business Strategy Department
Bernat Baró
Corporate Security Department
Miguel Ángel Pindado
Project Management and External Connection Infrastructures
José María Rovira
Department of Maritime Operations
Josep Otero
Department of Concessions and Rates Management
Santiago Otero
Compliance and Audit Control Manager
Ana Bernabeu
People Management
David Serral
Information Systems Department
Hèctor Calls
Environmental Sustainability and Energy Transition Manager
José Luis González
Operations and Railway Safety Manager