The Port of Barcelona and Adif set up the Train Port Barcelona company to foster freight transport
It will manage the railway logistics node comprising the Can Tunis and La Llagosta and the future port and rail motorway terminals

Train Port Barcelona, the company in which Port of Barcelona and Adif each hold a 50% stake, was incorporated this morning before a notary. This key milestone in the cooperation between both administrations for developing and managing the railway logistics node of the Barcelona metropolitan area will contribute to fostering rail freight transport in the Mediterranean axis and its area of influence, as well as international transport.
The scope of this collaboration includes the Can Tunis railway complex, the La Llagosta Intermodal and Logistics terminal, the Port of Barcelona Intermodal Terminal and the Intermodal Rail Motorway or ferroutage terminal.
The partners will work in a coordinated manner to plan and develop these infrastructures, optimise investments and efficiently management the resources to achieve more competitive services. Train Port Barcelona also aspires to become the interlocutor with railway operators and port rail terminals, offering a quality service to the end customer.
The constitution of Train Port Barcelona, of which the Port of Barcelona holds the chairmanship, was already considered in the collaboration protocol to promote the construction of the Port of Barcelona's new south, road and railway entrances, signed in October 2020 by the Ministry of Public Works (today Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility), the Generalitat de Catalunya, Adif, Puertos del Estado and the Port of Barcelona.
The constitution of this company is a significant milestone, since it hails a shift from collaboration between institutions to cooperation and co-responsibility in railway management to achieve maximum efficiency in environmental, connectivity and competitiveness terms. The pioneering initiative in this area represents an innovation in infrastructure management. The initiative will foster synergies and learning in an activity that will contribute to the social and economic development of the country.
Train Port Barcelona activities
The company will manage and operate the Barcelona Port Rail Management Centre (CGFB), where planning and coordination of the provision of services between Can Tunis station and the Port of Barcelona's railway terminals will take place. It will also manage train manoeuvring and operations services.
Train Port Barcelona will build and operate the future Intermodal Terminal of the Port of Barcelona for a 50-year period under a public domain concession regime. The facilities (13.8 Ha) will represent an investment of EUR 22 million and will comprise a four-track classification yard, two portico cranes and a container storage area.
The company will also operate the La Llagosta Intermodal and Logistics Terminal under a lease regime that will also extend to 50 years. The overall transformation of this terminal, located 20 km from the port, entails an investment of EUR 25 million in its initial phase. The facility will have a four-track classification yard, two portico cranes and a 14.5 Ha container storage area.
Train Port Barcelona will hold a minority stake as part of the shareholder structure of the future Rail Motorway or ferroutage terminal to be built in the old Llobregat riverbed.