Energy transition
The Port of Barcelona has begun the process of transition to an energy model based on three axes: renewable energy, energy storage and a smart electricity grid. This transition, together with the promotion of new "clean" fuels, will be key to advancing in decarbonisation.
Energy Transition Plan (ETP)
To make the most of this turning point, the Port of Barcelona must draw up an Energy Transition Plan that allows the implementation of new business models, technologies and investments in an orderly manner, ensuring that it leads to an improvement in the competitiveness of the entire port community, as well as of society.
The elaboration of the Energy Transition Plan (ETP) becomes a main lever for the decarbonisation of the Port. Its ambition is to define the new energy strategy of the Port, developing the following points:
- Roadmap
- The Present and future energy balance of the Port
- Principles and criteria for the distribution and use of energy in the Port
- Business Model and Governance
- Establish a rigorous monitoring system for the implementation of the plan

To achieve the necessary conclusions to draw up this new strategy that marks the Energy Transition Plan, a meticulous study process of the port system will be carried out:
- Analysis of the applicable regulations
- Infrastructures and facilities for the energy transition.
- GHG emission sources.
- Energy consumption in the port.
- Planning of available spaces
The main areas of action that the ETP will develop will be:

The Fisherman's Wharf, an energy island pilot project
One of the first shared energy consumption pilots has started at the muelle de Pescadors (Fisherman's Wharf), with the collaboration of the Barcelona Fishermen's Guild and within the European project Creators (CREATing cOmmunity eneRgy Systems).
It consists of the installation of 3 integrated solar photovoltaic systems on the roofs of the dock buildings, to generate and share energy. The goal is to turn this area into an energy island with zero emissions.