Port Authority

The Port of Barcelona is much more than a port infrastructure. It should be understood as the set of activities carried out by a series of public and private organisations managed independently, but coordinated and led by the Barcelona Port Authority and with a common global strategy.

Electronic headquarters of the Port of Barcelona

Through this platform, the Port of Barcelona provides the point of access to its procedures and services electronically.

This is how the administration approaches the citizen, trying to facilitate relations between people and the administration and turning our organisation into an accessible place geared towards meeting the needs of our customers.

The Port of Barcelona at your disposal, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year.

Sede electrónica

Mission and values

APB’s mission is to generate prosperity in our community, increasing the competitiveness of our clients through the efficient and sustainable provision of logistics and transportation services, in line with its values: 1 - Valuation and commitment of people 2 - Ethical and professional management 3 - Customer orientation 4 - Social responsibility 5 - Innovation

What is the legal framework of the APB?

The Spanish port system is made up of 28 port authorities and the public body Puertos del Estado, which coordinates and controls its efficiency and reports to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.

The APB is governed by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011, of 5 September, which approves the Consolidated Text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy (Law on Ports ).


Functions and powers

In accordance with Royal Legislative Decree, the APB develops the following powers within the scope of the Port of Barcelona:

  • Providing general services and guaranteeing and controlling the optimal provision of all port and commercial services.
  • Organising the area of port service and port uses.
  • Planning, designing, building, preserving and operating the works and services of the port.
  • Managing the domain or public port and maritime signals.
  • Optimising economic management and profitability of heritage and resources.
  • Promoting industrial and commercial activities related to maritime or port traffic.
  • Coordinating the operations of the different modes of transport in the port space.
  • Organising and coordinating port traffic (onshore and offshore).


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