Are you a carrier? Here you will find all the information you need to operate in the Port of Barcelona.

Map of access and services
Road services
General services for carriers
Other services
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I carry out any procedure telematically?
Most of the procedures can be done telematically, but not 100%. In the portal of procedures of the Electronic Headquarters of the Port of Barcelona you have the description of each one of them. For each case, you will see indicated how it can be initiated.
Do I need a digital certificate to start any telematic procedure?
There are procedures for which it is necessary and others that you can initiate by using a personal user and password. Check in the procedures portal which are the ones you are interested in and how to start them and, in case you are interested, to obtain the agreed password you can do it through the following form:
Concerted pass request
I want to submit a brief to the Port, how can I do it?
You can do it in different ways. Either in person at our offices or by mail or telematically. From this link and with your digital certificate you can submit it at the Registry of the Port of Barcelona without having to travel.
Electronic registration
What do I have to do to apply for a port access card?
In the attached link you will see all the information for each case. Do not hesitate to contact us if you do not see the information you are looking for.
Request for passes and permits
How can I request a special transport to circulate in the port area?
Although you could do it from our offices, the easiest way is to send us this simple form. Once we receive it, we will give you the necessary instructions to complete the process.
Special transport request
I am a container carrier and I want to have an authorization that allows me to operate in the Port, what do I have to do?
You have to apply for a generic AG authorization. In the following link you will see where, how to do it and all the necessary documentation.
Application for generic authorization to transport containers
What do I have to do to pay a fine?
You can pay it through our website by credit card, through the bar code that appears in the notification, or in person at our offices. Through the following link you will be able to do it without having to travel.
Payment of fines
The Port Police have immobilized and removed my vehicle, how can I get it back?
In this case you will have to manage both the payment and removal of the vehicle in our offices. Please contact us.
I am looking for a job and I would like to work at the Port of Barcelona. Can I bring a resume? Where should I go?
The Port of Barcelona has a Recruitment Portal, where you can consult all the job offers published. You can also consult our company philosophy and if you want to submit your resume. You can access through the following link.
Port de Barcelona staff selection