Liquid bulk

The Port of Barcelona has an exclusive area for petrochemical bulk traffic, the Energy Dock, with capacity for new generation vessels.

Docks of high strategic value

The Port of Barcelona has a total capacity of four million cubic metres for chemical, oil and biofuel products at the Muelle de la Energia, with direct connections by rail, road and oil pipeline to the Spanish hinterland and the European rail networks.

In the port area there are10 terminals dedicated to liquid bulk, from petroleum products to chemicals. The port has a total storage capacity of 4,000,000 m³ and 18 berths with a draft of up to 15.1 metres adapted for new generation ships of up to 275 LOA and 150,000 deadweight tons. 

There is also a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) dock to operate gas carriers up to Q-Max, modern regasification facilities and tanks with more than 840,000 m³ of LNG capacity. 

The terminals are prepared for respond to the needs and demands of the different liquid bulk products on the market such as chemicals, oil products or biofuels. The high storage capacity and the unbeatable multiple direct connections have made Muelle de la Energia an important industrial complex.

4.000.000 m³
Total capacity
15.1 metres

Liquid bulk terminals in figures

The liquid bulk terminals of the Port of Barcelona have a tank capacity from 500 m³ to 75,000 m³, and a tonnage capacity of up to 175,000 DWT.

In addition, they have dedicated berths for 12 vessels of up to 275 LOA.

And they offer direct connections with rail, highways and oil pipelines.

Liquid bulk operations in the Port of Barcelona

  • Imagen
    Líquidos a Granel
  • Imagen
    Líquidos a Granel
  • Imagen
    Líquidos a Granel
  • Imagen
    Líquidos a Granel
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Liquid bulk terminals
Enagas Koalagas Relisa Tepsa Terquimsa Decal CLH Meroil Tradebe Quimidroga
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