Solid bulk

The Port of Barcelona has specialised facilities for loading, unloading and storage of dry bulk cargo, connected to the road and rail network to access a wide market.

Product diversity

In the solid bulk terminals of the Port of Barcelona, all kinds of products are handled, with special emphasis on cement, potash, soybeans, salt or cereal for human consumption. There are also specific silos for products with high added value. They have EMAS and OSHAS and ISO 9001, 14001 and 22000 certifications.

Inside the port there are two plants for grinding soybeans, which produce around 50% of soybean meal from all over Spain. Thanks to the production capacity and the railway connections with the receiving areas, an efficient, economical and sustainable supply is ensured for the production of animal feed 

To ensure an efficient, economical and reliable supply for feed manufacturing industries, the Port is launching railway services to take this soybean meal to those areas where this industrial activity occurs. With this sector, important synergies are generated and value until closing the circle, with the export of the final product of the meat industry. 

Total berths
11 to 14
Metres of draft

Solid bulk terminals

The Port of Barcelona has five terminals dedicated to the traffic of Solid Bulk, equipped to handle multiple products and with rail and road accessibility to a hinterland very industrialised.

LOA from 130 to 250 metres and vertical silos, as well as horizontal warehouses.

Solid bulk operations

  • Imagen
    Granel sólido en el Port
  • Imagen
    Granel sólido en el Port
  • Imagen
    Granel sólido en el Port
  • Imagen
    Granel sólido en el Port
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Solid bulk terminals
Terminal Iberpotash – ICL Terminal Ergransa Terminal Portcemen Terminal Elian Barcelona Terminal Bunge
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